Xiang Xi Bao is a small town in southern China where time has stood still to an amazing degree. Once a busy river port in the transit of spices, the town lost all relevance when that trade disappeared. Nothing has changed the town, its fortress castle and its buildings since the era of the Chinese emperors. No political turmoil, no cultural revolution. Today the town of Xiang Xi Bao is a historical treasure of immense importance.
Architect Frederick Rickmann has been invited to support the careful redevelopment of the community, the buildings, castle and temples and to integrate that response to the people who actually live in the town.
丹麥建築師 Frederick Rickmann 受邀參與中國香溪堡社區、古蹟建築、城堡和廟宇的精心重建,聆聽現有居民的各方意見將古蹟復舊如舊與生活安全便利整合在一起。
There are several challenges in the project. One is how to carry out a major restoration of the town and yet let the citizens remain in place. The other is how to balance the tourist interest from outside so that excessive numbers of visitors do not diluted the quality of the town. Much of impact of these dilemmas is absorbed by Architect Frederick Rickmann's plan of "Inverse Space Development". This concentration on the space between the viable buildings allows much leeway for investment and progress. By using this common space and the many existing uninhabitable buildings there is ample room for considerable development - also economically for the townspeople.
這個開發項目中存在一些挑戰。挑戰之一是如何對城鎮進行重大修復的同時又能讓居民留在原地生活。另一個則是如何平衡遊客的興趣,避免過多的遊客進入時降低居民的生活品質。建築師 Frederick Rickmann 的「反向空間發展」解決了大部分的困難和挑戰。「反向空間發展計畫」聚焦在可運用建築物之間的區域為投資和未來發展留出了很大的空間。透過使用這個公共空間和許多現有無人居住的建築物,將有足夠的空間進行前瞻的發展,同時減輕居民的財務負擔。
In simpler terms we concentrate on the common spaces between existing buildings, the squares and the alley's . To this is added the many abandoned houses. The buildings to be restored first are those which today have no roofs and are uninhabited ruins. In this way the fabric of the community is quickly regenerated and rapidly attracts revenue. With increased inward investment comes jobs, income and grants for the population.
Places like Xiang Xi Bao need careful planning that lifts their economy and allows sensitive development of the town's assets. Architect Frederick Rickmann have developed these kinds of tools which bring intelligent new thinking to the task.
像香溪堡這樣的地方需要進行仔細的規劃,以提振經濟,並允許該鎮資產進一步開發。建築師 Frederick Rickmann 已經建構了這些工具,這些工具為艱鉅的任務帶來了新思路。
Urban planning that comes to the aid of fragile communities needs to be able to listen to and understand all the different needs of the people involved. Even the way of communicating needs to be created and tuned before the right dialogue has value. In Xiang Xi Bao Architect Frederick Rickmann has created a different type of urban modelling as a means of communicating.
脆弱社區的城市規劃需要能夠傾聽和理解所有關係人的不同需求。在正確的對話溝通產生價值之前,甚至還需要建立和調整溝通方式。建築師 Frederick Rickmann 為香溪堡創建了一種不同類型的城市模型作為交流的工具。