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Bathing in bubbly - champagne again


For every design award we win at DN, we crack open a bottle of good champagne. That's a tradition we have had for several years. Sometimes it is a rare event, but recently we seem to have done so every month, well for the last three months. Three GDA awards in a row, and all in different categories. I agree that three glasses of champagne in three months is not quite at an intoxicating level, but it is still great to receive recognition at that frequency.

Bathing in bubbly - champagne again

The actual projects show a great spread of creativity. One is the successful electric scooter, powered by hydrogen modules. A brilliant "Power2X" product that has been pioneered by APFCT in Taiwan for several years. That was a GDA Mobile Tech Award. Another winner is Procare International's cleansing and revitalising transcription deck for vinyl LP albums. This product prolongs the quality and the useful life of vinyl records using vacuum extraction and carbon fibre brushes. The third GDA award is 1234Design's interface design. Yes the actual platform incorporating DNgroup.

Bathing in bubbly - champagne again

These three GDA also demonstrate another aspect of Danish design. That is the breadth and span of design creativity. Design is the skill that bridges the crossover between multiple disciplines. Indeed the new push for rapid deployment of climate saving lifestyles can probably only be realised with a large input of design and design thinking. On that point, we congratulate the GDA Awards team in putting together a system that makes the recognition visible. Change is necessary and change needs design.

Bathing in bubbly - champagne again


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