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Frederick Rickmann
Moray Place in Edinburgh
There are few cities in the world that have managed to create such an incredibly well functioning and harmonic city environment. All...
Frederick Rickmann
The new year, teamwork and chains
When a new product sees the light of day, it isn't enough that innovation is centred solely on the product itself. Innovation has to be...
Frederick Rickmann
"Hot AIR" is a most appropriate description of the AIR audio system from STEENSSEN. The word "hot" carries many meanings with it and most...
Thinking Urban
Date: January 5, 2015 By Nehal El-Sherif It rarely rains in Cairo. In the last days of November, it rained for less than 30 minutes for...
Frederick Rickmann
"Hifi is the male equivalent of anti-wrinkle cream"
The quotation marks in the title are because I have to admit that I stole the line from an article by Jonathan Margolis in the Guardian....
Frederick Rickmann
How many new towns have that?
This is not Hallstadt am See in Austria. It is Hallstadt See, the Chinese rip off of the Austrian village. A true copy in southern China...
Frederick Rickmann
It’s fascinating to think about the sounds created by the weather. There are the obvious stormy conditions when the wind can howl and the...
Frederick Rickmann
Gamla Stan, Stockholm
You walk down the street. It's a cloudless day. The air is crisp. The sky is so blue that it is bordering on indigo. Then you get that...
Frederick Rickmann
AIR on Nordic Noir
You know Nordic Noir. It is that kind of dark Scandinavian crime thriller or whodunnit film that successfully swept across many...
ARSA 3D Sound research in Graz
FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences in Graz, Austria joined STEENSSEN in carrying out research into 3D sound. The masters...
Frederick Rickmann
Colour in Taipei
Liberty Square in Taipei is quintessentially oriental. Also quintessentially euphemistic. The monumental Democracy Stairway on the right...
Frederick Rickmann
Humming to Happiness
I am fascinated by the kind of scientific research projects that examine completely normal things that are plainly obvious to most...
Frederick Rickmann
Date: June 3, 2015 By Frederick Rickmann Renewing our cities can take really many forms. Old buildings can be torn down and some of the...
Frederick Rickmann
We hear all the time about how technology is moving so fast. However it is worth pondering a little about the fact that the Boeing 747...
Frederick Rickmann
This used to be one of the main streets in Bangkok.
A bit too heavy-handed for a light transport system. Today we have a generation of architects that have seen their own work torn down...
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