FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences in Graz, Austria joined STEENSSEN in carrying out research into 3D sound. The masters programme at Graz looked at STEENSSENs development of ARSA - Ambient Responsive Sonic Architecture.

ARSA 3D sound enhances music and film tracks and renders them relative to the actual surroundings of the room in a way that gives a 3D experience. This is done by using the shape, materials and positions of the speaker drivers relative to the each other.
STEENSSEN has a rich experience working with loudspeakers over several decades and we are well versed in how listeners actually perceive sound in their home environments. Home surroundings are often very different from acoustic listening rooms. When we developed the sound bar (also for many other reasons) we could see that the time delay elements of 3D sound could by used in completely new ways. For example we actively use the sound channel created by the back of the tv itself as a route for sound.
#FHJoanneumUnivofAppliedSciences #AmbientResponsiveSonicArchitecture #環境響應聲波架構 #SoundsLikeYouAreThere #iFWorldDesignGuide #STEENSSEN #DanishSoundCluster #TrådløsHøjttaler #ARSA3Dsound #AffordablePrices #DanskLydklynge #BluetoothHomeTheater #SoundBar #SoundPlate #デンマークのサウンドクラスター #手頃な価格 #サウンドバー #デンマークのデザイン #丹麥音響 #無線藍牙家庭劇院 #Reusable #Repairable #Renewable #可再利用 #可維修 #可整新 #DanishDesign #FrederickRickmann #DNgroup #1234Design