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We want to make a difference by being different. Come and join us

Frederick Rickmann

Our world needs change. Yet changing things for the better can be really challenging. At STEENSSEN we can see that society needs to recognise that the climate needs help, that we have just come through a pandemic, that there is a really hot war in Europe and the global economy is going back into inflation. That might all seem very abstract, but at the company level, it can affect the way our products are made, who makes them and where. And more importantly, where are customers are, who they are and what do they seek most.

We want to make a difference by being different. Come and join us

Join us in helping along the road. We are inviting people who are great at sound tech and in manufacturing management. So too do we need partners in finance and investment. These positions at top level and as co-owners. Our corporate culture is one of teamwork, letting people develop their own particular skills and know-how to achieve remarkable success to extraordinary levels.

We want to make a difference by being different. Come and join us

STEENSSEN's aim is to build that stronger team, to bring ground-breaking audio to be conceived, designed and manufactured in Denmark. Naturally of all the right materials for the planet and of course as challenging for the market as we can make it. We aim to make a difference to music, to films, to our customers. And to do that is an exciting way. Join us as fast as you can.


#ViHarBrugForPartnereIndenForFinansieringOgInvestering #MakeAdifferenceByBeingDifferent #OurWorldNeedsChange #JoinUsInHelpingAlongTheRoad #WeNeedPartnersInFinanceAndInvestment #GøreEnForskelVedAtVæreAnderledes #VoresVerdenHarBrugForForandring #VærMedTilAtHjælpePåVej #私たちの世界は変化する必要があります #道に沿って支援にご参加ください #金融と投資のパートナーが必要です #我們的世界需要改變 #我們需要金融和投資方面的合作夥伴 #iFWorldDesignGuide #STEENSSEN #DanishSoundCluster #TrådløsHøjttaler #ARSA3Dsound #AffordablePrices #DanskLydklynge #BluetoothHomeTheater #SoundBar #SoundPlate #デンマークのサウンドクラスター #手頃な価格 #サウンドバー #デンマークのデザイン #FrederickRickmann #DNgroup #1234Design


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Hovedkvarter: Tobaksgården 3, 8700 Horsens, Danmark

Asien: 15F-10, No 10, Section 3, ZiYou Rd., East District, Taichung City 401624, Taiwan


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