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Reorganize the Design Team with the Double Pyramid Pattern 用雙三角錐模式整頓設計團隊

Frederick Rickmann
Corona and the Climate
Through the thick fog of today's politics and the blurry picture of fake and real news there is a golden thread emerging. You could...

Why can't I see results after the website is built? 為什麼網站建置完成後看不到成效?
讀者寫信來:「為什麼我們公司的網站建置完成後看不到成效?」 一問之下,發現其網站在十五年前建置完成,之後一直沒有更新,主要原因是他們公司銷售的產品和服務是企業客製化的工業產品,老闆認為網站沒有必要更新。近幾年業績衰退不斷檢討,才發現自家網站無法被主要搜尋引擎用關鍵字找到。...

The Story of DNgroup
If you are going for global cross-border e-commerce, then innovation and fresh thinking are essential keys to your success. DNgroup is an...

Judy Huang
Design is the Bridge That Connects Liberty and Equality
People often ask me: what is "design"? Simple answer: "Design" is communication. Let's put it this way: how are the products on the...
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